Monday 29 April 2013

Do you know the female condom?

The main advantage of the female condom? It enables the woman to no longer depend on their partner to protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV. A method of contraception that is not well known yet ...
What is the contraceptive reliability of the female condom?

Like her male counterpart, the female condom is a contraceptive. It is used to prevent pregnancy in the absence of other contraceptives. Its reliability is comparable to that of the male condom.

The risk of pregnancy ranges from 2.6% in case of proper use in practice 10% (respectively, 2% and 12% for male condoms). But still less than the best known alternatives such as the pill or IUD.

female condom

The female condom he protects STI?

Female condoms also offer protection against STIs - including against HIV (which causes AIDS). This is obviously not the case of the pill or IUD. They also reduce the transmission of HPV (which causes cervical cancer of the uterus), but does not avoid it completely.

Also beware, the female condom does not entirely cover the labia minora. It does not offer very good protection against herpes or or against HPV (also responsible for genital warts) which can also be transmitted from skin to skin.

Therefore, the combination of a highly reliable contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancy (eg, pill or IUD, implant, patch or contraceptive ring) and a condom (male or female) to reduce STIs provides adequate protection during sexual intercourse.

How do we put up a female condom?

Quite similar to its male counterpart, however, the female condom is longer, wider and thicker. It has two flexible rings. At one end of the pocket that must be inserted into the vagina, and the other covering the labia. It must be put in place before intercourse.

To introduce the female condom, squeeze the ring to introduce into the vagina between the thumb and forefinger (as if holding a pencil) when you release the pressure, it will return to its original shape by pressing it against the wall of the vagina . You can then push it deeper, until the cervix, by slipping your fingers.

The female condom is pre-lubricated and for single use only.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the female condom?

The female condom can be inserted in advance so as not to interfere with the relationship. Due to its composition latex, it can also be used if you are allergic to this substance. Furthermore, the man is not forced to withdraw immediately after ejaculation, as is the case with the male condom (even if it is advised because if the sperm flows of the female condom is at risk ).

Its implementation requires some experience. A South African study found that the risk of failure decreases significantly after the first five trials, regardless of the model of female condom use. Better to exercise several times to ask before using it during intercourse.

Note also that it is impossible to recommend to a young virgin who introduce a foreign body in the vagina will be a hard act at a time when it does not yet know his body.

Potential snags?

- It is not impossible that the penis "rate" the entrance of the condom entering the vagina. It may be necessary to guide him in the right direction.
- Be careful also with long nails, which may tear the pocket.
- Finally, it can cause a rustling sound which is annoying sometimes during intercourse.
- We must be careful to remove without spilling semen on mucous membranes.
The female condom is sold in pharmacies without a prescription (usually command). However, its price is higher than its male equivalent: about 14 euros per box of three.


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