Monday 22 April 2013

But why do we sleep so badly?

But why do we sleep so badly? - Some sleep disorders are related to a real disease, which should be addressed to find a good sleep. Other sleep disorders are more related to an unhealthy lifestyle. It is therefore possible by correcting certain lifestyle to improve his sleep, without resorting to drugs. A brief overview of the various sleep disorders and respective solutions.

Treat Restless Legs

Kind of impatience that disturb sleep, restless legs syndrome is common, especially over fifty. One third of patients, there is a familial predisposition, but because of impatience remains unknown to this day.

This tingling sensation more or less intense in the legs, imposes an urgent need to move the legs, which may prevent sleep. Thus the restless legs is one of several sleep disorders.

If mild, treatment of impatience based on a review of the lifestyle. Indeed, restless legs are favored by stress, physical inactivity, smoking, alcohol, obesity, caffeine, certain medications including antidepressants ...

The most severe cases are drug treatment. In each case, many families drug can be used, starting with dopamine, and can be combined: benzodiazepines, opioids, anticonvulsants ...

It is noteworthy that the restless legs syndrome are appropriate to diagnose and treat ... at the risk of losing sleep.

Sleep apnea syndrome to detect!

The sleep apnea is also a very common condition and that the risk increases with age. Men are more often affected than women, these multiple respiratory arrests that are repeated during the night.

If these have the disadvantage of apnea snoring help (due to a noisy resumption of breathing after each respiratory arrest), the apnea syndrome also disrupts sleep, causing daytime fatigue and insomnia, and promoting depression, pain head, memory loss, difficulty concentrating, etc.. Finally, sleep apnea is an important cardiovascular risk factor.

If lifestyle can improve the situation (. Stopping alcohol, tobacco, weight loss, etc.), the treatment of sleep apnea syndrome based on continuous positive airway pressure: use of a mask over the nose and of a compressor, air is blown to maintain the airway open. With the same aim, it can also be used as a mandibular splint.

What solutions against snoring?

Snoring due to a vibration of the soft palate. A malformation of the nose can help snoring, like taking alcohol or tranquilizers. The sleep apnea syndrome is also a major provider of snoring. If this is the case, the treatment of sleep apnea should stop snoring and reduce cardiovascular risks associated with this syndrome.

Some recommendations may reduce snoring: stops the alcohol, tobacco, tranquilizers, and do not sleep on your back. Otherwise, surgery may be considered to reduce the excess tissue in the throat or to widen the passage of air.

Some techniques use the laser and may require several sessions. Finally, there are oral appliances that are worn during the night and keep the airways open, thereby reducing the vibration of the soft palate.

Sweet solutions against insomnia

If in cases of severe insomnia, sleeping pills are an effective temporary solution, it is always best to try to advance more natural solutions to start by changing his lifestyle.

Reminder of principles for good sleep and avoid insomnia:

- Perform daily physical activity, but avoid sports sessions in the afternoon.

- No alcohol in the evening. If alcohol facilitates sleep, sleep, however, is of poor quality.

- No dinner too rich or too rich in fats.

- No caffeine in the evening or afternoon (each time to identify from which caffeine to prevent sleep).

- No event exciting the evening lively discussions, games, work ... Conversely, preferred the quiet, relaxing and de-stressing activities.

- Book a bed to sleep and not watching TV, video games, computer ...

- Infusion: some plants promote sleep.

- The moderate room temperature (18-19 ° C only) and humidity are important parameters, like darkness, lack of noise and good bedding. Also be sure to ventilate your room daily for at least 10 minutes.

- Adopt a regular schedule of sunrise and sunset, including weekends!

- And in case of depressive symptoms, consult.

In terms of sleep, we are all different. Some remedies work for some and not others, it is necessary to test or develop them to find the ones that you succeed and avoid those that, conversely, prevent you from sleeping. This is the case for example of hot milk before going to bed or bath.

Do not hesitate to consult your doctor. Even in terms of lifestyle, it can help and advise you individually.


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