Thursday 4 April 2013

Bleeding in early pregnancy: one in four ladies

Bleeding in early pregnancy: one in four ladies - Genital bleeding occurs in early pregnancy in a pregnant woman out of four. A quick consultation is highly recommended.

One woman in four bleeding in early pregnancy

During the first three months of pregnancy, genital bleeding are common. Are estimated to reach a four pregnant women. The most common cause of miscarriage is (approximately one out of two), especially if the bleeding is heavy and lasts more than 6 to 7 days. But this is not the only possibility.

Bleeding in early pregnancy: View, but without panic

As in any bleeding, you should avoid taking aspirin or other anti-inflammatory. It is important to consult promptly when the bleeding is heavy (for example, if you want the bleeding significantly more abundant than your period, or if you need to change protection more than once every three hours). And also when the bleeding is accompanied by signs of weakness (dizzy, heart that accelerates the slightest exertion, fatigue, shortness of breath). If you do not feel well, do not drive and do with you. In any case, do not forget to bring your health card. Also useful are the results of blood or urine, if you have, especially your blood group card, and maternity booklet for the monitoring of pregnancy (if you have one).

Blood test and ultrasound are often useful

The doctor will perform a pelvic exam. In some cases, it can tell you what is happening and give you appropriate advice. But more often, it will use blood tests and an ultrasound. The blood test allows to check if the pregnancy continued its course, if you miss red blood cells as a result of bleeding. In early pregnancy, ultrasound is not useful because when the fetus is too small, it is not visible. Subsequently, it can verify the status of the fetus, how it goes (from two months, you can see the heart beat) and verify that it is in a good position in the womb, c is to say that there is no ectopic pregnancy.

Rest before anything

Genital bleeding during early pregnancy is still a threat of miscarriage. Drugs are ineffective. By cons, rest is essential. It does not necessarily stay in bed all day, but especially to avoid long car trips, major efforts (weight lifting, working arms raised), and stop working for some time. When a miscarriage is in progress, there is usually nothing to do to prevent it. At this stage, the fetus is tiny and expulsion often goes unnoticed, especially in early pregnancy. In fact, the "delay rule" a few days are often early pregnancy followed by a mini-miscarriage whose wife did not even realize. If the bleeding was scanty, hospitalization is not necessary. But it is reasonable to take a few days off. In other cases, curettage of the uterus may be desirable, and sometimes a brief hospitalization. When the bleeding was heavy, iron supplementation may be useful for some time (the time to redo the iron stores of the body).

Avoid excessive panic

Bleeding and miscarriages in early pregnancy are extremely common. It is often a protective mechanism, which leads to the rejection of abnormal fetuses probably would not have lived, or normally. And having a miscarriage does not mean you can not have children. Although it is both an enjoyable event ever, it is important to turn the page quickly, without giving importance and gravity excessive.


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