Monday, 29 April 2013

Rheumatoid arthritis: how to benefit from innovative medicines

Today there are innovative treatments, biotherapy, particularly effective against rheumatoid arthritis. But these drugs are so expensive they are prescribed only in specialized centers. The current problem is that access to these exceptional molecules. How to do to increase his chances of benefit when you have rheumatoid arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis and biotherapy

Today, when suffering from rheumatoid arthritis the main problem is access to new medicines, that is to say, biotherapy, called Remicade ®, Enbrel ®, Humira ®, Rituximab ®, etc.. Indeed, in recent years, new treatments from basic research have been developed to selectively a particular biological function involved in the mechanism of the disease block. These biologics have two major characteristics.
Diseases, Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis,
Biotherapies have a considerable efficiency ...

Their activity is so focused that they have a considerable effectiveness. They can not only relieve the pain of rheumatoid arthritis, but also prevent disability and even continue working.

... and an equally hefty price

But they are also very expensive, on the order of 12,000 to 15,000 euros per year. In addition, these molecules have a suspensive effect and not curative, that is to say that everything is okay as a person with rheumatoid arthritis continues processing. However, the progression of the disease as soon as it takes off. Treatment should be continued over the long term, which eventually generate incredible amounts.

Rheumatoid arthritis: an exception to drug delivery exception

Because of the high cost, the conditions for issuing these biologics are restrictive. They are initially in the hospital or in some private organizations involved in public service delivered. However, people who have access are becoming more numerous. In fact, we realize that the sooner you treat the disease, fewer disabilities, work stoppages, surgeries and hospitalizations. So in economic terms, it is ultimately profitable to prescribe broadly.

How to go about benefit biotherapy against rheumatoid arthritis?

1) Check once or twice a year a rheumatologist practicing in rheumatology specialist hospital setting to see if you can benefit from these drugs at the right time.

2) Find a rheumatologist particularly involved in rheumatoid arthritis. There are no "good" or "bad" rheumatologist, but some are more interested in rheumatoid disease than others. A simple way to know if a team involved in this support is consulted is to inform the medical literature of this team. To do this, simply open the website PubMed (THE reference in the field) and type: "rheumatoid arthritis, name" (name of a team of doctors). If you find many articles (in English), you can be sure that this team is really working on your health and it keeps abreast of the latest discoveries.

Diabetes Type 1 : Living without complications

Diabetes Type 1 - One study focused on people living with type 1 diabetes for more than fifty years. Amazing lessons can be learned ...

Diabetes and complications

This is precisely the complications of diabetes that looked this U.S. study (1). These are related to excess blood sugar or hyperglycemia as a result of diabetes, which damages blood vessels. They can no longer do their job properly: supply all organs of oxygen and nutrients. The complications are many.

As part of the study, the researchers focused on the most serious:

Cardiovascular disease,
Eye disorders - especially the retina - which can lead to blindness,
Damage to the nerves that trigger abnormal or painful sensations,
Kidney damage leading to kidney failure.
Note that these complications of diabetes exist for the type 1 and type 2, but type 1 is usually diagnosed early, it is more common to live with the disease for many decades.
Diabetes Type 1
diabetes Type 1  without complications

As the complications of diabetes settle with time, it seems logical that those suffering from this disease since childhood are very affected. Yet! Among 351 people with type 1 diabetes for more than fifty years, many of them living without complications:

86.9% do not have kidney disease;
51.5% do not have cardiovascular disease,
42.6% do not have eye problems
39.4% had no nerve conditions.

Diabetes: What are the mechanisms of protection against the complications?

How to explain this lack of some diabetic complications? Again, a surprise for the researchers: the absence of complications of diabetes does not appear to be directly linked to good blood glucose control over the years.

The importance of maintaining his blood sugar at the correct level, however, is not questioned. Its effectiveness has been proven many times in diabetics who live for a shorter time with the disease.

Researchers believe rather than "veterans" of type 1 diabetes have developed mechanisms that protect against complications of the disease. The role of proteins called the glycation end products (PTG) draws particular attention. They develop due to hyperglycemia and then accumulate in the body. In general, these proteins increase the likelihood of developing diabetes complications. But in these particular patients, some seem to have rather PTG a protective role. Further studies are underway to explain this paradox.

What can we learn from this study?

Currently, this study is especially interesting for specialists. An application to patients is still far away. However, for people with type 1 diabetes, two aspects of this study are to remember:

The average blood sugar in people with few complications was under control: they are well aware of the importance of controlling his blood sugar.
The majority of them do sports regularly, 45 minutes three times a week.

Do you know the female condom?

The main advantage of the female condom? It enables the woman to no longer depend on their partner to protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV. A method of contraception that is not well known yet ...
What is the contraceptive reliability of the female condom?

Like her male counterpart, the female condom is a contraceptive. It is used to prevent pregnancy in the absence of other contraceptives. Its reliability is comparable to that of the male condom.

The risk of pregnancy ranges from 2.6% in case of proper use in practice 10% (respectively, 2% and 12% for male condoms). But still less than the best known alternatives such as the pill or IUD.
female condom

The female condom he protects STI?

Female condoms also offer protection against STIs - including against HIV (which causes AIDS). This is obviously not the case of the pill or IUD. They also reduce the transmission of HPV (which causes cervical cancer of the uterus), but does not avoid it completely.

Also beware, the female condom does not entirely cover the labia minora. It does not offer very good protection against herpes or or against HPV (also responsible for genital warts) which can also be transmitted from skin to skin.

Therefore, the combination of a highly reliable contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancy (eg, pill or IUD, implant, patch or contraceptive ring) and a condom (male or female) to reduce STIs provides adequate protection during sexual intercourse.

How do we put up a female condom?

Quite similar to its male counterpart, however, the female condom is longer, wider and thicker. It has two flexible rings. At one end of the pocket that must be inserted into the vagina, and the other covering the labia. It must be put in place before intercourse.

To introduce the female condom, squeeze the ring to introduce into the vagina between the thumb and forefinger (as if holding a pencil) when you release the pressure, it will return to its original shape by pressing it against the wall of the vagina . You can then push it deeper, until the cervix, by slipping your fingers.

The female condom is pre-lubricated and for single use only.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the female condom?

The female condom can be inserted in advance so as not to interfere with the relationship. Due to its composition latex, it can also be used if you are allergic to this substance. Furthermore, the man is not forced to withdraw immediately after ejaculation, as is the case with the male condom (even if it is advised because if the sperm flows of the female condom is at risk ).

Its implementation requires some experience. A South African study found that the risk of failure decreases significantly after the first five trials, regardless of the model of female condom use. Better to exercise several times to ask before using it during intercourse.

Note also that it is impossible to recommend to a young virgin who introduce a foreign body in the vagina will be a hard act at a time when it does not yet know his body.

Potential snags?

- It is not impossible that the penis "rate" the entrance of the condom entering the vagina. It may be necessary to guide him in the right direction.
- Be careful also with long nails, which may tear the pocket.
- Finally, it can cause a rustling sound which is annoying sometimes during intercourse.
- We must be careful to remove without spilling semen on mucous membranes.
The female condom is sold in pharmacies without a prescription (usually command). However, its price is higher than its male equivalent: about 14 euros per box of three.

Monday, 22 April 2013

I Always Cold In Hands, Feet In, the nose ... This is the Raynaud's Syndrome?

I Always Cold In Hands, Feet In, the nose ... This is the Raynaud's Syndrome? - Once it's cold, your fingers and toes go numb and become all white? It is certainly Raynaud's syndrome. The diagnosis of this syndrome requires prior Benin eliminate other causes.

Raynaud's syndrome: eliminate other possible causes

Exposed to cold and moisture, the fingers and toes of people with Raynaud's disease quickly become white, numb, with a burning sensation, and sometimes pain. These symptoms are due to a disorder of the blood circulation in the extremities, a kind of intense and excessive arterial spasm in response to cold.

The Raynaud's is common: 5% of the general population is affected, but it is mostly women (nine out of ten cases occur in women).
Often the diagnosis of Raynaud's syndrome is increased to 25 years after a change in a few years. It is often a family history. Thus the description of the symptoms is usually sufficient to identify Raynaud's phenomenon.

However, the doctor must first rule out other possible causes. Indeed, some diseases or disorders or taking certain medications (anti-migraine, beta-blockers) may also affect the vasculature of the extremities. The clinical examination, some manipulation of arteries, immunological tests, echo-Doppler, are sometimes offered to dismiss certain assumptions. The default is that the diagnosis of Raynaud's syndrome is confirmed.

Raynaud's syndrome is a benign condition

That those affected by Raynaud's phenomenon can rest assured that this condition is benign. Moreover, if the symptoms peak in young women, you should know that crises decrease with advancing age, often to disappear with menopause.

Meanwhile, all the strategies to protect your ends are put into practice. This is also the basis of treatment: dress warmly from head to toe when you need to expose yourself to the cold.

Raynaud's syndrome: practical advice

- Overlap the layers of clothing is more effective than a single layer - preserve heat. Including the hands, wear gloves covered with silk fleece gloves.
- Prefer lined leather shoes and sneakers outlaw the source of moisture.
- Wear warm socks.
- Cover your neck and your head as to limit heat loss.
- Put on your gloves before going out in advance and avoid touching cold objects.
- Use hand warmers and feet, sold in sporting goods stores.
- Always have a pair of gloves with you to avoid thermal shock air-conditioned places and fresh food supermarkets shelves.
- Avoid coffee (vasoconstrictor).
- Also avoid drugs against colds.
- And do not smoke.
If these measures are not enough, your doctor may offer you a drug in the class of calcium channel blockers to reduce the frequency of seizures. But protection against the cold ends remain indispensable.

But why do we sleep so badly?

But why do we sleep so badly? - Some sleep disorders are related to a real disease, which should be addressed to find a good sleep. Other sleep disorders are more related to an unhealthy lifestyle. It is therefore possible by correcting certain lifestyle to improve his sleep, without resorting to drugs. A brief overview of the various sleep disorders and respective solutions.

Treat Restless Legs

Kind of impatience that disturb sleep, restless legs syndrome is common, especially over fifty. One third of patients, there is a familial predisposition, but because of impatience remains unknown to this day.

This tingling sensation more or less intense in the legs, imposes an urgent need to move the legs, which may prevent sleep. Thus the restless legs is one of several sleep disorders.
If mild, treatment of impatience based on a review of the lifestyle. Indeed, restless legs are favored by stress, physical inactivity, smoking, alcohol, obesity, caffeine, certain medications including antidepressants ...

The most severe cases are drug treatment. In each case, many families drug can be used, starting with dopamine, and can be combined: benzodiazepines, opioids, anticonvulsants ...

It is noteworthy that the restless legs syndrome are appropriate to diagnose and treat ... at the risk of losing sleep.

Sleep apnea syndrome to detect!

The sleep apnea is also a very common condition and that the risk increases with age. Men are more often affected than women, these multiple respiratory arrests that are repeated during the night.

If these have the disadvantage of apnea snoring help (due to a noisy resumption of breathing after each respiratory arrest), the apnea syndrome also disrupts sleep, causing daytime fatigue and insomnia, and promoting depression, pain head, memory loss, difficulty concentrating, etc.. Finally, sleep apnea is an important cardiovascular risk factor.

If lifestyle can improve the situation (. Stopping alcohol, tobacco, weight loss, etc.), the treatment of sleep apnea syndrome based on continuous positive airway pressure: use of a mask over the nose and of a compressor, air is blown to maintain the airway open. With the same aim, it can also be used as a mandibular splint.

What solutions against snoring?

Snoring due to a vibration of the soft palate. A malformation of the nose can help snoring, like taking alcohol or tranquilizers. The sleep apnea syndrome is also a major provider of snoring. If this is the case, the treatment of sleep apnea should stop snoring and reduce cardiovascular risks associated with this syndrome.

Some recommendations may reduce snoring: stops the alcohol, tobacco, tranquilizers, and do not sleep on your back. Otherwise, surgery may be considered to reduce the excess tissue in the throat or to widen the passage of air.

Some techniques use the laser and may require several sessions. Finally, there are oral appliances that are worn during the night and keep the airways open, thereby reducing the vibration of the soft palate.

Sweet solutions against insomnia

If in cases of severe insomnia, sleeping pills are an effective temporary solution, it is always best to try to advance more natural solutions to start by changing his lifestyle.

Reminder of principles for good sleep and avoid insomnia:

- Perform daily physical activity, but avoid sports sessions in the afternoon.

- No alcohol in the evening. If alcohol facilitates sleep, sleep, however, is of poor quality.

- No dinner too rich or too rich in fats.

- No caffeine in the evening or afternoon (each time to identify from which caffeine to prevent sleep).

- No event exciting the evening lively discussions, games, work ... Conversely, preferred the quiet, relaxing and de-stressing activities.

- Book a bed to sleep and not watching TV, video games, computer ...

- Infusion: some plants promote sleep.

- The moderate room temperature (18-19 ° C only) and humidity are important parameters, like darkness, lack of noise and good bedding. Also be sure to ventilate your room daily for at least 10 minutes.

- Adopt a regular schedule of sunrise and sunset, including weekends!

- And in case of depressive symptoms, consult.

In terms of sleep, we are all different. Some remedies work for some and not others, it is necessary to test or develop them to find the ones that you succeed and avoid those that, conversely, prevent you from sleeping. This is the case for example of hot milk before going to bed or bath.

Do not hesitate to consult your doctor. Even in terms of lifestyle, it can help and advise you individually.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Skiing accidents: prevention of knee sprains

Skiing accidents: prevention of knee sprains - The knee sprain is skiing accident the most common (1/3 of accidents). One of the most severe forms sprained knee, ruptured anterior cruciate ligament, is increasing: 15% of skiing injuries in 2010, against 12% in 2007. However, much of these injuries could be avoided with a good set of fasteners and adequate physical preparation.

The knee sprain, the most common injury in alpine skiing

Skiing is a relaxing and fun, but it may represent a high-risk sport. One-third of skiing accidents are sprains knee. And sprained two is a particularly severe form, the anterior cruciate ligament, the effects are long lasting.

Indeed, this lesion often requires surgery, involving a persistent knee instability with daily discomfort and a ban on certain sports.
Skiing accidents
Knee sprains are often related to improper adjustment of ski bindings

Considering that about half of the bindings are incorrect. However, almost two sprain is the direct result of a bad setting. Another advantage to avoid the incident prior physical preparation for knee protection with good musculature.

Women are particularly vulnerable to knee sprain!

Women over 25 are three times more prone to sprains than men, due to a lack of muscle protection. The rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament concerns mainly beginners and occurs mostly in slow movements of twisting or trivial falls, such as down the chairlift. Enjoy, the binding adjustment takes into account the sex!

Prevention of sprains in skiing: a good set of bindings

The binding setting is not immutable. It should be done regularly, at least every season by a specialist (even if you own your skis!). It is realized based on four parameters: size, sex, weight and how to ski. Beware, if the setting is too tight, loosening may not be triggered in case of a fall!

Prevention of sprains in skiing: physical preparation

Must be in good physical condition! Practice involves walking and climbing stairs or weight training room is highly recommended for two months before departure, especially for women and non-athletes.

These activities strengthen the muscles of the thigh and knee protection, while others develop a sense of balance as gymnastics and trampoline, or vigilance with the bike.

White hair : which daily care?

White hair : which daily care? -With age, hair texture changes. They become drier, duller, they whiten even tend to fall. Do not panic, some appropriate care will overcome dry hair and will restore their shine. A hint of camouflage mitigate the gray hair. As for hair loss, you have to react early.

Specific hair care that are aging

- With age, hair becomes extremely fragile. Particularly the scalp should be treated with extreme gentleness.
- Do not rub the scalp with your fingers when shampooing. Apply a small amount of shampoo on wet hair, lather and gently penetrate made before leaving it for about 30 seconds and then rinse thoroughly. Needless to rub vigorously!
- Use a soft, suitable for your type of hair shampoo.
- It is not recommended to do two shampoos now! This is unnecessarily aggressive for the hair.
- Do not use a dandruff shampoo more than once every 15 days as they can irritate the scalp.
- Always apply a conditioner moisturizing, special hair dry if necessary.
- To dry your hair, wipe them with a dry towel and warm, but do not rub vigorously.
- Try to avoid the dryer and in all cases, the lowest temperature.
- Be sure to use a wide tooth comb or you'll tear your hair. For the same reason, do not pull avoiding tight hairstyles (braids, pony-tail, curlers ...).
- Do not paint or do not brush your hair too often, not irritate the scalp or stimulate your sebaceous glands, which produce more sebum capable of damaging your hair.
- Eat a healthy, balanced diet.
- Finally, give yourself the best cut and do it regularly refresh!
What can be done against the white hair?
Depending on your genetic makeup, your hair will more or less bleach, and more or less early. If you can not go against this nature can however change the hair to make them less visible, if not to use locks and other staining techniques. But beware, always ensure that you are applying the least aggressive, and space sessions.

Namely: the white hair would be a marker of bone health. Indeed, it seems that the early onset of gray hair before the age of 40, indicating a bone fragility. If this is your case, as a precaution, talk with your doctor, it may be useful to assess your risk of osteoporosis.

Attention to hair loss!

The objective is to respond in early hair loss in order to limit it.

Menopause is a special period at risk of hair loss. In fact, the hair follicles contain estrogen receptors which contribute to healthy hair. This is why hormone replacement therapy for menopause can be an effective treatment against hair loss menopause. Permanent and other harsh hair treatments, certain medications (eg chemotherapy), certain diseases (eg alopecia), hypothyroidism, anemia, severe weight loss and stress are all factors that may contribute or trigger a hair loss.

Consult your doctor or dermatologist can identify the cause, and in all cases to react before the loss is too great. There are treatments such minoxidil (a drug that stops or slows the loss of hair) and hair transplants, and camouflage techniques (hair extensions, spray mascara ...).

We note that her hair be treated leather with extreme gentleness and consult early in case of hair loss ...

Live long and healthy with the Okinawa program

Live long and healthy with the Okinawa program - In Okinawa, people live longer, healthy and happy. What is the secret of longevity record of the inhabitants of this island of Japan? You also gradually, you can take the Okinawa program.

Secrets of Okinawa Program

- Eat less (about 300 fewer calories), expand the variety of foods (206 different foods are referenced), to enjoy with art and fun.
- Focusing largely plant-based foods (approximately 78% of our food).
- Eating soy and derivatives (intake of phytoestrogens).
- Replace much bread and other cereals rice (gluten-free).
- In the part given to food of animal origin (22% of the ration), focus on fish, limit meat and avoid dairy products.
- Increase strongly the antioxidant intake (tea, vegetables, fruits, soy, spices), omega-3 (rapeseed oil, fish) and magnesium (especially soy and tofu, beans, sesame seeds, green vegetables , sweet potatoes). These are the three types of the most important nutrients in the fight against aging, inflammation, and the majority of diseases.
- At any age, physical activity should be regular and abundant.
- Use widely methods of stress management, relaxation, meditation, etc..
- Growing every day invaluable to the existence of the universe, of all material and cultural wealth of life. Developing a sense of connection beyond self to nature and ancestors, a sense of belonging and rootedness. Maintain the desire and pleasure of 'last'.
Adopt a positive thought. Develop flexible and generous convictions. Perspective. Cultivating independence, health and live well, but also friendly relations and recreation. Strive to maintain a good mood, to be happy and active.
- Keeping up with the elderly and family.

Friday, 5 April 2013

Examinations of pregnancy

Examinations of pregnancy - Blood tests, urine, ultrasound and other tests for prenatal diagnosis type are all tests that will be required under the supervision of the pregnancy to make sure it runs smoothly. Small review tests that punctuate the entire pregnancy.

What are the exams of the first pregnancy consultation?

This first consultation of pregnancy is recommended before the end of the second month of pregnancy. Attention, it may be longer than others, because the doctor will do a complete assessment, and will ask about your personal and family history, your age, living conditions, work, transport, the course of your previous pregnancies, etc..
It will conduct a physical examination to make sure everything goes well, you will be asked to stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Finally, he will prescribe blood and urine tests and will schedule your next appointment (one consultation every three months and ultrasound) which will also be used to monitor your weight, blood pressure, growth of the uterus and the cervix closed.

What are blood and urine tests during pregnancy?

The first blood test to check your blood, red blood cells (anemia research), serology for rubella, toxoplasmosis, hepatitis B and C, HIV (the AIDS virus).

Failure immunization against toxoplasmosis, you will have a blood test every month. Once a month also, the sugar will be sought and albumin in your urine.

In the sixth month of pregnancy, a new screening for anemia and diabetes screening will be undertaken.

When planned ultrasounds during pregnancy?

Ultrasounds are not harmful to the baby, but as a precaution, avoid ultrasound called "pleasure" (more expensive and not reimbursed by Social Security, but proposing the creation of a commemorative video of the baby) is useless in terms of diagnosis and only commercial.

The first scan is performed at the 12th or 13th week of pregnancy: first visual contact with the baby, dating from the beginning of pregnancy, the fetus and measure the thickness of his neck, a possible diagnosis of twin pregnancy .

The second ultrasound is performed to the 22nd week. It is called morphological: examination of the skeleton, organs, detection of anomalies, growth monitoring, quantification of amniotic fluid, placental position ... The baby's sex can be determined during the second ultrasound.

The third ultrasound place around week 33: position of the baby, placenta, growth, quantification of amniotic fluid, estimate the weight of the baby (normal weight between 2.6 and 4.3 kg). In this third and final ultrasound doppler umbilical cord is made to ensure that the baby is well fed.

What is the consultation of the 9th month of pregnancy?

The last visit of pregnancy used to assess the evidence of delivery: pool size, position of the baby, vaginal swab of strep B, monitoring (some maternity realize a record of the baby's heartbeat and contractions of the uterus). Finally, a pre-anesthetic visit is set even if an epidural is not considered.

What are the tests for prenatal diagnosis

With a blood test done at the 13th or between the 14th and the 18th week, we select women who are at risk of carrying a baby with trisomy 21. Warning, this is a statistical calculation of risk and not a diagnosis. It is only when greater than or equal to 1/250, the proposed amniocentesis risk.

It is between the 16th and the 18th week and involves taking amniotic fluid under ultrasound guidance with a very fine needle through the abdomen of the mother. It collects and fetal cells to establish its "map chromosomal identity."

It can also perform chorionic villus sampling, which now consists in removing cells of the future placenta to know very early if the fetus is a carrier of a genetic abnormality. The levy is trickier than amniocentesis, and realized earlier, between the 9th and 12th week and has a slightly higher miscarriage, 2% risk.

To know about the bleeding first trimester

About one in four pregnancies are accompanied by bleeding in the first quarter. It is small and brown, it's not scary. However, a red or heavy bleeding should lead to consult your doctor who will prescribe a blood test (beta hCG) and ultrasound to eliminate the risk of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.

BB creams, cocktail innovation

BB creams, cocktail innovation - BB creams? You may not know yet that expression. This is the name of a particular class of day creams appeared in our country a few months ago. Their promise nothing less than a five care!

BB cream: cream to replace all

The trend of BB creams comes from Asia, specifically Korea. Originally, their name comes from "Blemish Balm" or balm against blemishes. These creams provide both the coverage as a foundation, and in-depth action on imperfections correction buttons, wrinkles and uneven skin tone.

Following the big success in Asia, BB creams have landed on our markets, but in a slightly different form. Exit the "blemish balm": thanks to them, we are again with a skin BB (baby).
BB creams
The principle remains the same: they replace the foundation, moisturize, erase blemishes and give a bang. And as a bonus, they even offer a sunscreen!

BB creams, miracle creams?

So the BB creams they take their promises? In a word, of course not. It would really be too much to ask them to do the work alone three or four different products. Point out some major flaws:

There are generally only two colors in each range. Compared to traditional foundations, it is now possible to fit every type of skin, it is very little!

The coverage is generally not optimal. BB creams are the most Blanket difficult to apply, with a slight effect "plastering" if it is not very careful with the installation. Others are easier to handle ... but suddenly, do not allow to pass a concealer or other marker.

As usual for cosmetic who want to influence the health of the skin, the active ingredients are not determined enough to have a real efficiency. In other words, this is not a BB cream that will provide you with a good moisturizer at night. And even less of a true sun protection!

So the BB creams are they for you?

Despite these drawbacks, BB creams are tempting. It is not a miracle product: Consider it as a light foundation that will just improve your skin problems.

This type of cream is suitable for women who like a natural look with makeup, and do not have too many imperfections. Those looking for a very well worked up can use BB cream ... but as a simple basis, with additional use of foundation, concealer and all that goes with it.

Addicted to coffee? You do not entirely wrong

Addicted to coffee? You do not entirely wrong - Cappuccino, cream, Viennese ... Goes well with coffee breaks in our daily lives. But it is also rich in antioxidants, and therefore beneficial to health, within certain limits.

The virtues of coffee antioxidants come to him

The first benefit of coffee, of course, is to give us a welcome "boost" thanks to the caffeine it contains. It increases alertness, concentration and attention - in short, a café, it wakes ... at least for a while!

But its benefits do not stop there. In fact, coffee contains many antioxidants, including polyphenols. Antioxidants, as a reminder, protect the body against oxidation.
This natural and inevitable phenomenon degrades the molecules that make us. It is linked to aging and the development of cancer, among others. We know that a cup of coffee 200 ml contains more antioxidants than a serving of fruit that are already rich, like blueberries or cherries (1). Antioxidants are not the only asset that coffee has up his sleeve. It is also a very good source of magnesium, vitamins B2 and B3 and copper.

This is why coffee may have a preventive effect on several diseases:

- cancers of the liver, colon and breast,
- other liver disease (including cirrhosis)
- Parkinson's disease,
- diabetes,
- drop

The cafe also has its flaws

However, all is not rosy in the land of coffee. Some of its effects are more damaging:

- Caffeine causes the release of stress hormones. If you are very stressed  or anxious  better reduce your consumption.
- It accelerates intestinal transit. People who suffer from irritable bowel must be avoided.
- It also increases the secretion of acid in the stomach if you have of gastroesophageal reflux, gastritis or ulcer in the stomach, beware!
- Coffee reduces iron absorption by the body. It is therefore not recommended for people who suffer from anemia.
- Caffeine in high doses is harmful during pregnancy. We recommend that pregnant women be limited to two cups of coffee per day, maximum (and without adding any other caffeine-rich drinks).
- Finally, caffeine increases the heart rate. Better watch your intake if you are taking medicines for heart rhythm disturbances.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Bleeding in early pregnancy: one in four ladies

Bleeding in early pregnancy: one in four ladies - Genital bleeding occurs in early pregnancy in a pregnant woman out of four. A quick consultation is highly recommended.

One woman in four bleeding in early pregnancy

During the first three months of pregnancy, genital bleeding are common. Are estimated to reach a four pregnant women. The most common cause of miscarriage is (approximately one out of two), especially if the bleeding is heavy and lasts more than 6 to 7 days. But this is not the only possibility.

Bleeding in early pregnancy: View, but without panic

As in any bleeding, you should avoid taking aspirin or other anti-inflammatory. It is important to consult promptly when the bleeding is heavy (for example, if you want the bleeding significantly more abundant than your period, or if you need to change protection more than once every three hours). And also when the bleeding is accompanied by signs of weakness (dizzy, heart that accelerates the slightest exertion, fatigue, shortness of breath). If you do not feel well, do not drive and do with you. In any case, do not forget to bring your health card. Also useful are the results of blood or urine, if you have, especially your blood group card, and maternity booklet for the monitoring of pregnancy (if you have one).
Blood test and ultrasound are often useful

The doctor will perform a pelvic exam. In some cases, it can tell you what is happening and give you appropriate advice. But more often, it will use blood tests and an ultrasound. The blood test allows to check if the pregnancy continued its course, if you miss red blood cells as a result of bleeding. In early pregnancy, ultrasound is not useful because when the fetus is too small, it is not visible. Subsequently, it can verify the status of the fetus, how it goes (from two months, you can see the heart beat) and verify that it is in a good position in the womb, c is to say that there is no ectopic pregnancy.

Rest before anything

Genital bleeding during early pregnancy is still a threat of miscarriage. Drugs are ineffective. By cons, rest is essential. It does not necessarily stay in bed all day, but especially to avoid long car trips, major efforts (weight lifting, working arms raised), and stop working for some time. When a miscarriage is in progress, there is usually nothing to do to prevent it. At this stage, the fetus is tiny and expulsion often goes unnoticed, especially in early pregnancy. In fact, the "delay rule" a few days are often early pregnancy followed by a mini-miscarriage whose wife did not even realize. If the bleeding was scanty, hospitalization is not necessary. But it is reasonable to take a few days off. In other cases, curettage of the uterus may be desirable, and sometimes a brief hospitalization. When the bleeding was heavy, iron supplementation may be useful for some time (the time to redo the iron stores of the body).

Avoid excessive panic

Bleeding and miscarriages in early pregnancy are extremely common. It is often a protective mechanism, which leads to the rejection of abnormal fetuses probably would not have lived, or normally. And having a miscarriage does not mean you can not have children. Although it is both an enjoyable event ever, it is important to turn the page quickly, without giving importance and gravity excessive.

Pregnancy: what happens there in the first consultation?

Pregnancy: what happens there in the first consultation? - That's it, you're pregnant! A first follow-up visit is required. This is done before ten weeks of gestation. What are the clinical and biological examinations to achieve in early pregnancy?

Firstly, before listing all items to be covered during the first consultation of pregnancy, start with two small details.

What is the difference between "weeks of pregnancy" and "weeks of pregnancy"?

Amenorrhea means "no rules". In the medical field, the duration of pregnancy in weeks of amenorrhea, that is to say, it is calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period. Two weeks before the presumed date of conception. Thus, pregnancy lasts 9 months, 39 weeks or 41 weeks of amenorrhea (39 + 2). For example, when we say that the first consultation should take place before 10 weeks of gestation, we can also say before 8 weeks of pregnancy.
How many are there follow-up visits during pregnancy?

Monitoring of pregnancy includes 7 consultations reimbursed by Social Security. The first took place before the third month (or before 10 weeks of gestation or 8 weeks of pregnancy). Then, the pace is a consultation per month until delivery.

Examinations and prevention of pregnancy first consultation

- Establishing the diagnosis of pregnancy and pregnancy dating.
- General clinical examination and pelvic height, weight, breast exam, Pap smear (if the latter is earlier than 2-3 years).
- Blood: determination of blood group (A, B, O, Rh), glycosuria, proteinuria, agglutinins, toxoplasmosis, syphilis.
- Examinations offered to those at risk: AIDS screening fetal chromosomal abnormalities involving measurement of nuchal translucency (1st ultrasound), dosage of serum markers, urine culture (urinalysis), screening for anemia.
- Research of risk factors, including diabetes and hypertension.
- Identification of risks and general professional and social.
- Research family history, personal related to previous pregnancy, surgical, pathological??
- Folic acid (vitamin B9) to prevent abnormal neural tube closure in women deficient or at risk of deficiency.
- Awareness of the effects of smoking, alcohol, drugs and some medications.
- Information on the monitoring of pregnancy.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

3 tips to prevent brain aging

3 tips to prevent brain aging - We all want to enjoy the increase in life expectancy, provided they are physically fit and mentally. If the prevention of major diseases has risen sharply, what about the prevention of brain aging? What can be done to prevent brain aging?

How to counter the aging brain?

Every year that passes is accompanied by a lengthening of our life expectancy of 3 months. To take full advantage, it is necessary to prevent disease and aging. If for a few major diseases exist already as testing sure enough cancers (breast, prostate, colon, skin) or treatment (cardiovascular disease), it's additionally necessary to shield our brain and to make sure that aging too quick. And these days it's a reality we are able to all forestall the aging of our brain, straightforward and natural approach. As stated by Professor Jean Mariani, a neurobiologist at the 5th UNESCO Forum on longevity, and surprising as it may seem, the first thing is to practice regular physical activity.
1) To prevent brain aging, practice regular physical activity

Needless to transform you into an elite athlete. Your business may be moderate, what counts above all is regularity. That is 30 minutes of brisk walking every day, it is already very good. In what sport can prevent brain aging? Muscle activity stimulates the production of trophic factors (nutrients) essential to the functioning of the brain. But the physical practice also promotes blood circulation and irrigation and the brain (and all organs), which is essential for good feed neurons.

2) Feed your brain wisely

The amount, nature and quality of the nutrients through the bloodstream to the brain depends on your diet. What are the nutritionary wants of the brain? He wants fat, however not simply any, principally polyunsaturated fatty acid (fish a pair of times per week, oilseed oil?). It also requires a lot of energy. Now, if only 2% of body weight, it consumes 20% of energy.  thus build aldohexose within the variety of bread, pasta, etc and at last, the brain has to be aerated development provided by the blood and red blood cells.These require iron, this element found primarily in the black pudding (to eat once every 2 weeks) except in meat and fish. Note that the consumption of alcohol should be avoided for the brain. A long and dose not moderate alcohol is deleterious to neurons.

3) Use your brain

As our muscles need to work periodically, our brain must also work tirelessly to remain effective. And in this area, type of activity is good, and they will be more varied, the better the result. To prevent the aging of your brain, so you must have the intellectual, social, or manual varied, frequent and regular: every day, play cards, do crossword puzzles, read, do you grow, learn, experience people, talk, walk, discover, ask?? There is no age to be interested in new things and to undertake new activities!

Monday, 1 April 2013

Sinusitis: What symptoms and what treatments?

Sinusitis: What symptoms and what treatments? - Sinusitis is Associate in Nursing inflammation of the sinuses, the latter being the bone cavities placed round the nose. What area unit the symptoms of redness and the way to treat it?

What are the symptoms of sinusitis?

Cold, allergy, polyps, dental abscess, overuse of decongestant spray, altitude change, foreign body inhalation of contaminated water, etc.., Are situations that clog the sinuses, providing an ideal place for bacteria and other virus to grow, thus causing inflammation of the sinuses, or sinusitis.

This inflammation is characterised by nasal congestion (stuffy nose), nasal discharge, pain behind the eyes, headaches, issue respiratory, or fever additionally.
The symptoms of sinusitis are very specific, like the common cold and allergy, which sometimes need to closely examine the sinuses (radio, nasal fluid sampling, nasofibroscopie) to confirm the diagnosis of sinusitis.

Acute redness, punctual, is typically delicate. however typically, it tends to recur or become chronic, so requiring semipermanent treatment attributable to serious complications that may arise. Indeed, the infection will unfold to the bones of the bone, eye, meninges ...

What treatments to treat sinusitis?

Sinusitis treatment is to relieve pain and sinus congestion in order to stop the inflammation.

Hydrotherapy called contrast, which consists in applying successively the nostrils of hot and cold with warm moist compresses, relieves congestion and pain.

Antibiotics are useful in cases of infectious bacteria. In cases of chronic sinusitis or severe, corticosteroid nasal spray form are interesting to reduce inflammation.

Naturopathy (nasal solution herbal) is also recommended. To also know that sinusitis is on the list of common infections established by the World Health Organization (WHO), which can be relieved by acupuncture.

Finally, in case of deviation of the nasal septum, surgery is indicated.

Side of dietary supplements may be recommended zinc, preventing colds, reduces the risk of sinusitis, as well as antioxidant vitamins A, C and E to stimulate the immune system.

What precautions to prevent sinusitis?

- Preventing colds: hygiene (hand washing, Kleenex ...), protection against the cold, smoking cessation ...
- establish and treat metabolic process allergies and food (eviction of allergens).
- Avoid aggression nose: nose processing gently from one naris then the opposite.
- guarantee adequate humidification components, if necessary by inserting a humidifier within the area.
- Adopt a healthy diet wealthy in fruits and vegetables (sources of antioxidants).
- Drink many water and avoid alcohol.

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