Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Reduce your risk of cancer by fighting against stress

This is no longer any doubt: if the stress does not produce cancer alone, however, it promotes its development. Warning, this is chronic stress, one we are more likely to be submitted in modern life (lack of time, the cult of performance). In practice, how does the stress increase the risk of cancer and what are the four sentiments to mobilize to keep cancer at bay?

Positive stress Negative stress ...

Positive stress is the one that puts us on alert and allows us to respond immediately (in danger, for example, but also stress that besets us before an oral presentation before a sporting event, etc..) Through the timely secretion of two hormones, noradrenaline and cortisol.

Negative stress is continuous stress resulting in repeated or continuous secretion of these hormones, eventually exhausting the body.


Thus chronic stress promotes inflammation and lowers our immune system, both known to promote tumor progression phenomena.

Indeed, stress hormones put the immune system at rest to mobilize all the forces of the body for action. But if the immune system is lowered, the activity of white blood cells decreases, which facilitates the proliferation of cancer cells.

Stress and cancer: the four feelings that serve us

Four feelings related to stress are now well known to promote cancer development.


Powerlessness directly promotes tumor progression, as shown in this experiment in lab rats with cancer. When rats are subjected to stress they can avoid 63% of them manage to cure their cancer, against only 23% of rats that can not escape the stressful situation.


Anxiety affects survival. This has been demonstrated for example in women with breast cancer. Those who participated in discussion groups were more serene and above all they doubled their year survival compared to others.

Loneliness and the feeling of abandonment

Some feelings contribute to pause our immune system. But it is essential to keep the cancer under control. Thus patients are surrounded by the best as often those with the most combative defense systems.


"Why me? I am fully responsible! I was unable to stay healthy! "Such thoughts prevent imagine healing and implement specific actions. Again, this mental block can serve the immune system.

The 4 golden rules to fight against stress

In practice, we note that the fight against stress is a weapon against cancer. All relaxation techniques and stress management are welcome.

To do this, first follow the four golden rules:

1. This is my decision! (As impotence paralyzes take the reins)
2. I dare to ask for help! (Get help and share makes us stronger and calmer)
3. I surround myself with it! (Maintain and invest yourself in the quality of human relations, you will be supported in return)
4. I relativize! (Set your priorities and go ahead)


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