Glaucoma is an eye disease that, due to the lack of warning signs, should be screened to the ophthalmologist at age 45 or earlier in case of familial predisposition. Focus on glaucoma screening and treatment.
Glaucoma: what is it exactly? What are the signs suggestive?
Glaucoma is associated with an increase in intraocular pressure can damage the optic nerve, reducing the visual field and visual acuity. It distinguishes acute glaucoma and glaucoma.
The first, also known as open-angle glaucoma is rare, but its occurrence is an emergency, the eye suddenly becomes red and hard, get blurred with colored halos around lights. We must go to ophthalmic emergencies.
Glaucoma (80% of cases of glaucoma) moves inversely slowly and silently, insidiously causing irreversible damage without causing specific symptoms gradually acuity near and far is altered, which in the absence of treatment lead to blindness.
Glaucoma: what screening? Which populations are at risk?
Glaucoma screening based on a measurement of intraocular pressure, a fundus (assessment of the status of the optic nerve) and OCT examination (Optical Coherence Tomography), assessing the thickness of the optic nerve fibers as witness the progress of glaucoma.
It is recommended that everyone consult an ophthalmologist every two years from age 45, or earlier in case of an increased risk of glaucoma.
This is the case of people who have a family history of glaucoma. Note that the large myopic are also at higher risk, African people, if vascular problem that can affect blood flow to the optic nerve (hypo or hypertension, migraine ...), direct trauma or after surgery.
Glaucoma diagnosed, what are the treatments?
Several treatment are available to treat glaucoma. The choice is always personal.
- Medication form of eye drops: they decrease intraocular pressure. Their use is mandatory as they apply to several times a day at regular times and may cause side effects, but mild (redness, tingling, dizziness, etc..).
- The laser treatments: they decrease the intraocular pressure by facilitating the removal or decreasing the production of aqueous humor (fluid inside the eye, which in excess, increase intraocular pressure). The effect is sometimes transient.
- Surgery: a small hole in the iris is made to facilitate the drainage of aqueous humor. Or sometimes a drain valve that opens when the pressure rises on site. This procedure is currently reserved for last (after failure and recurrence after laser eye drops) may soon be larger in order to treat glaucoma earlier permanently.
The number of French affected is estimated that over a million: about 500,000 patients are currently being followed and treated for glaucoma, but 500,000 still carry a glaucoma without knowing ...
It is therefore essential to detect glaucoma (in the absence of any visual symptoms), as supported early enough, it does not cause visual impairment.
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