Friday 31 May 2013

Abdominoplasty, what about this surgery flat stomach?

Ah, a flat stomach ... Who does not dream? Unfortunately, this is an area of ​​the body that is difficult to correct. And many women, looking for a definitive and radical solution, eventually whether the tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is not their solution. Warning, this choice should not be done without careful consideration ... 

Abdominoplasty, tummy tuck: the "very" serious for a flat stomach 

The tummy tuck is a major operation. It is usually recommended for people who have gained and lost a lot of weight, or had one or more pregnancies, and whose belly remained distorted: stretched skin, stretch marks, skin folds that fall "in apron" on the pubis, etc. .

The tummy tuck is recommended for obese people for whom surgery is risky in general: better start losing pounds.

The tummy tuck is to remove the most damaged skin of the abdomen portions. The surgeon then tightens the remaining skin for a smooth, flat belly.

Incidentally, the navel should generally be repositioned, that is to say, it is cut and sewn in the right place. The scar is important, usually several tens of centimeters, but located in a relatively quiet area (in the lower abdomen, the pubic hairline and into the hollow of the groin).

Abdominoplasty is often combined with small complementary procedures: liposuction to remove any localized fat deposits on the stomach but have not been removed by the tummy tuck, and intervention on the abdominal muscles, which are also sometimes weakened by pregnancy.

Everything can be done during the same operation.

Flat stomach surgery: important suites

We see a tummy tuck is not an intervention without consequences.

It takes two days to a week of hospitalization, bandages for about two weeks and wearing a jacket that is used to reduce edema (swelling due to the aggression of the surgery) for at least six weeks.

You do not observe the results of the tummy tuck when you leave the operating room. Before you get a good idea of ​​the "new stomach", it is necessary that the swelling and bruises subside.

The scar from the tummy tuck, she moves more slowly: it is only a year later she began to have its final appearance.

What our teeth turn yellow?

Beautiful teeth, aligned and very white, everyone dreams, but often we are disappointed by the brilliance of our smile. What makes my teeth yellow? And how to keep good teeth white? 

The bad habits that make teeth yellow 

Guilty No.1 yellowing teeth cigarette course. Indeed, nicotine in cigarettes and inhaled, has a yellowish color, which is transferred to the teeth over the days.

Some foods are also well known to discolour teeth.

It is most often cited as coffee and tea, but they are not the only ones involved. Regular consumption of all the colorful foods (red wine, red fruit, some sodas) can have the same result.

In addition, eating regularly acidic foods (especially citrus and sodas) use tooth enamel. But it is the enamel that gives them their whiteness: it covers the dentin is darker in color. A thinned enamel will therefore also make yellow or yellowish teeth.

Drugs that change the color of teeth 

This is not the most common causes of yellow teeth, but be aware that some antibiotics can affect the color of teeth.

Antibiotics tetracycline and are not recommended for pregnant women and for children until their enamel is finally formed (about eight years). They may give a yellow or grayish teeth, even final.

Another antibiotic used much more often, amoxicillin, can also discolour teeth. This coloration is usually reversible brushing time, but some people find that the color change is maintained. And for very young children (nine months before) it is not impossible that the permanent teeth are affected.

These risks do not materialize, however, for all patients. They must also be evaluated against the disease that these antibiotics should treat! Do not hesitate to talk with your doctor.

How to avoid having yellow teeth? 

First, note that this is not always possible. Just like our skin or the color of our hair, the color of our teeth is genetically determined. However, losing the habits listed above will allow you to maintain maximum whiteness you naturally.

Your dental hygiene can also make a difference. The plaque also has a yellowish color. Brushing twice a day and regular descaling your dentist will make your teeth whiter.

But beware: the excess night! In fact, brushing too hard or awkwardly will decrease the enamel layer and thus make your teeth yellow.

So remember two rules brushing: 

Take your time: it takes two minutes to brush your teeth properly. Press harder for less time does not achieve a good result, and will not qu'abîmer enamel.

If you brush your teeth right after a meal, it is necessary to reduce acid attacks: a chew gum, or drink a glass of water. Indeed, the enamel is weakened by the acid. If you brush immediately after eating, it will be even more damaged.

Skin: Spring Cleaning

Skin - Whatever the season, thoroughly clean the skin remains in first place in the beauty routines. 

Serving your spring glow, cleansing treatments, toners and exfoliants combine softness to better sublimate you.

In spring clean your skin! 

Between violation of good food, polar bites, repeated sessions laziness and application of ultra-rich creams, our skin, exhausted, is now frown. Assaulted outside, loaded with toxins inside, it is imperative to extirpate its winter slumber for the return of sunny days he finds its freshness and radiance.

Reflecting the nature reborn in the spring, the biological mechanisms of the skin awake. The epidermis, particularly fragile during this interim period, while giving free rein to the skin disorder: imperfections, dullness, sensitivity ... A vulnerability that you must overcome.
Because finding the balance is mainly by eradicating toxins, your currency will spring: thorough cleaning. A radical offensive that you lead, however gently. No matter the effect of further attack your skin with strippers.

To serve your cause cosmetic brands accompany you from morning to night. They ensure grain of your skin and make it that winter has taken him through the lotions enriched formulas dedicated to removing impurities vitamins, moisturizing and soothing care cleansers and exfoliating products decorated vegetable oils restore the skin barrier.

Cleansing operation 

Winter laziness often encouraged to go to bed without cleansing. Sacrilege!

Mixed with chemicals cosmetics as skin will absorb overnight to further poison, pollution particles and sebum will suffocate the cells and stop their nightly renewal.

The B.A. ba a healthy skin free of impurities therefore requires careful cleansing, preferably based on plant extracts that cleanse without irritating.

Tonics tone 

Irritated by the extreme cold, the skin barrier needs to be soothed and restored. No way for them to undergo the test stripping and dehydrating soap and hard water to perfect the cleansing at night and remove dead skin cells and sebum in the morning!

In contrast, active soothing plants and minerals in tonics rebalance skins abused while ridding them of any dirt particles.

Cleanse, moisturize and soothe these are the main tasks of water for the face. Even if they release a fresh, pleasant scent, they do not contain alcohol and are in no case the mission scent skin.

If tonics aim to perfect the cleansing for the cleansing - or micellar water - dissolve fat (sebum, makeup) and remove the dirt with their micelles, molecules made based surfactants. This type of product is especially recommended for sensitive skin because it is less irritating than a cleansing milk rinsed with hard water.

Bye bye impurities 

Did you know that the skin has a hundred different bacteria, all designed to protect it from external aggression? Valuable, this skin flora should in no way be damaged by aggressive stripping, may irritate the skin more than it already is. Avoid scrubs so coarse and rather make twice a week with a gentle exfoliation.

Nothing like this type of product to remove the dull veil that was installed because - among other things - fatigue and climate. Gently peeling the layer of dead skin cells that the asphyxiation, you raise the cutaneous microcirculation and help you to make your new skin cells. After this treatment, always remember to apply a hydrating fluid texture that is lighter than a cream and absorbs easily.

More tips for beautiful skin 

Help the skin to breathe can also be done from the inside.
By cleansing your liver, you promote the elimination of toxins skin process.
To do this, make it a habit for three weeks (the cell renewal cycle) to drink organic lemon juice on an empty stomach in the morning.

Nothing better to brighten the complexion.

At a time when the skin gets in touch with the spring sun, so be sure to give her a course of supplements antioxidants (grape polyphenols for example).

This will protect itself from an influx of free radicals induced by UV.
Remember that in winter the lowest consumption of fresh fruit causes a small deficiency in antioxidants ...

To eliminate a good shot of toxins, live a good hammam!

Under the heat, the pores of the skin and expand the sweat resulting mass with the impurities.
Then just make a scrub to get rid of.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Pamper your sexy-intimacy with our recommendations

Intimate or sexual discomfort, burns, fungal infections, vulvodynies, infections, all these inconveniences can reach female sexual area is fragile. As it deserves to be pampered for its comfort, for his health, but also of course for fun. Then, and you, is that you do take risks to your privacy or do you pamper? 

The recommendations 

1. The toilet is ideal to clean water, or a specific product. Never soap or shower gel to mucous membranes, it irritates and damages the flora.

2. Never clean the inside of your vagina. It is self-cleaning and has a precious and fragile flora. Introducing a substance, or even water from outside does that injecting microbes and attack your plants. This is a very important factor for infection and irritation.
Wellness, Sexual Health, Women's Sexuality
3. Do not wear tight pants, thongs, synthetic underwear every day, or even several days. As soon as you feel a little discomfort, switch to cotton or silk, and let your breathing vulva, let her live without friction. Otherwise, you cause chronic irritation that promotes fungal infections.

4. Do not use panty liners every day. They should remain exceptional, if spotting or losses. For daily vaginal discharge, better contact with the cotton or even change below once a day. Why? This is the panty liner dries your vulva making it much more fragile.

5. During your period, never choose towels or scented tampons. Fragrances are totally useless or aggressive chemicals for your privacy. Depending on your comfort, choose pad or towel, avoiding the buffer days scanty flow. Indeed, the pad in contact with your mucous tends to dry so to irritate.

6. Think urinating before and after love. This minimizes the risk of infection, vulvar and urinary irritation. Indeed, the act of urinating hunting microbes on the surface of your vulva, urine is sterile substance.

7. Vulvar hair is not only aesthetic, it has a role in skin hydration. If you pull all your hair, your skin dries out and your risk of infection, burns and irritation increases. So keep some hair-compatible with your erotic tastes.

8. When you go to the pool, thinking it is full of chlorine. Although chlorine is a disinfectant, but also very irritating. It tends to attack the vulvar flora and irritate this sensitive area. Do not keep a soaked wet swimsuit chlorine, and you prefer to rinse with clear water by removing your swimsuit to eliminate chemicals in contact with your privacy.

9. When you love, accept the entry only if you perceive that your lubrication is sufficient. Otherwise prolong foreplay, or add lubricant for your comfort and pleasure. Caresses the gel are also very beneficial to increase the excitement so natural lubrication.

Cancer of the cervix: what is a cone biopsy?

Cone biopsy is a surgical technique that can be implemented in cases of cancer of the cervix. Conization, involves the removal of the portion of the cervix affected by the tumor. This surgery also removes a piece of tissue (biopsy) for a diagnostic analysis. 

Cancer of the cervix: are there any symptoms? What screening? What is the reason? 

Cancer of the cervix usually causes early, asymptomatic, hence the need for the screening based on the smear regularly. In some cases, cancer of the cervix can however cause bleeding between periods, bleeding after menopause or bleeding after intercourse.
Cancer of the cervix
Cancers of the cervix are related to a sexually transmitted virus, the papillomavirus family. This virus usually remains latent because countered by the immune system, but sometimes it can make cancer cells on the surface of the cervix.

In recent years, the vaccination schedule provides preventive vaccination against HPV for girls 14 years of age or have recently started their sexual life.

What is the treatment of cervical cancer of the uterus?

Treatment depends on the stage of the tumor, its size, age and desire to preserve fertility.

The precancerous stage, it uses cryotherapy (destruction of cancerous cells by freezing), laser (destruction by heat), the electrosurgery (removal by an electric current) or cone biopsy (surgical removal).

In some cases, a hysterectomy should be considered. The total removal of the uterus is also performed if more advanced tumor stage, as radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Cone biopsy: a surgical 

Cone biopsy involves removal of a region of the cervix. The donor area is shaped like a cone, hence the name of conization. This act is both therapeutic (removal of tumor cells) and diagnostic since the tissue removed is then analyzed, confirming the nature of the cells and the extent of the tumor.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, or sometimes general, using an electric loop or laser.

The main risk of this procedure is frequently associated with the occurrence of bleeding in the hours and weeks after surgery, which requires an urgent consultation.

Postoperative pain is rare and rather described as a nuisance.

Conization preserves fertility and therefore the chances of pregnancy, but with a slightly increased risk of preterm delivery. Therefore, in case of subsequent pregnancy, it is worth mentioning to the doctor following the pregnancy history of the conization.

What are the signs of a stomach ulcer?

Stomach Ulcer -The stomach ulcer or gastric ulcer caused by a lesion of the stomach wall. This wound causes pain that increases after meals. But the stomach ulcer can cause other symptoms. 

What are the outward signs of stomach ulcer? 

The main cause of stomach ulcers is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which has the particularity to withstand the acidity prevailing in the stomach. But stomach ulcers may also be linked to prolonged non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug use, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, etc..

The wound formed on the wall of the stomach causes pain and burns that accentuate in contact digested food. Thus typically the pain of ulcers are exacerbated after meals. A feeling of being full quickly is also typical of stomach ulcer and bloating. In advanced cases, there may be some weight loss and be a victim of vomiting.
stomach ulcer
An ulcer may heal spontaneously, but with a risk of recurrence. Otherwise, the ulcer may lead to bleeding, leaving the blood flow inside the intestinal tract. Traces of blood in the stool or black stool can attest, like anemia. The other complication is rare but is the perforation of the stomach wall, which then leads to severe abdominal pain, which can lead to peritonitis. It is a life-threatening emergency!

What are the treatments for stomach ulcer?

The ulcer treatment based on the elimination of Helicobacter pylori with antibiotic prescribing for several weeks. Medications to reduce stomach acid are also shown as a dressing to treat gastric lesions and protect the lining of the stomach irritants, and until complete healing of the ulcer.

Meanwhile, all acidic foods and irritants should be avoided: spices, pepper, mustard, pepper, nutmeg, but also coffee, chocolate, etc..

Can we prevent a stomach ulcer? 

Helicobacter pylori is so common (especially where hygiene is precarious), it is difficult to prevent an ulcer.

But stress, tobacco and alcohol are known to be contributing factors. Spices play a role weakening, like coffee, tea, meat extracts and fatty foods.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Moderate exercise: an Honest Anti-Cholesterol

Regardless of weight loss, exercise will alone, cut back cholesterin and thus the danger of upset. additionally, the quantity of physical activity looks additional necessary than the intensity of the activity. 

What links between cholesterin and physical activity? 

The authors of this study didn\'t confine themselves to live blood cholesterin levels, however the molecules that carry cholesterin within the blood. Indeed, assumptive that the quality supermolecule analysis to quantify \"good\" and \"bad\" cholesterin doesn\'t essentially offer the most effective indication of the danger of upset, the researchers were curious about lipoproteins. cholesterin could be a supermolecule that uses the blood to travel feed the various tissues. once current within the blood binds to cholesterin transport proteins. the mixture cholesterin transport supermolecule and is named a compound protein.
Moderate exercise, Anti-Cholesterol
Results of study on the impact of physical activity on cholesterin and vessel risk 

This is exactly analyzing the degree of those lipoproteins and their size, in additional than 100 overweight patients WHO haven\'t modified their diet for over eight months, the authors notice that profits for the year physics. additionally, their information recommend that if the intensity of exercise plays a subsidiary role, the quantity is far additional necessary to cut back vessel risk. The distribution of subjects per their level of activity clearly shows the devastating result of the absence of physical apply on cholesterin and therefore the center and vessel risk.

In conclusion, even moderate physical activity is useful 

This is the quantity of exercise and not the intensity that matters to limit the vessel risk.
Needless to target balance, even while not losing weight, physical activity reduces cholesterin.

Reduce their Cholesterol without Medication... its Possible

Foods high in cholesterol, saturated, unsaturated, omega-3 fatty acids, etc.. The anti-cholesterol diet may seem complicated. Focus on foods that should be limited and those that we must focus to lower your cholesterol or prevent excess. 

The anti-cholesterol diet

A healthy diet alone can bring down a too high cholesterol. If you follow the main rules of the anti-cholesterol diet, it is possible to reduce cardiovascular risk, drug-free ...
1) Reduce the "bad fats"

Saturated fatty acids are beneficial to health. Should be reduced from these fats. They come from animal fats: butter, cream, meat, fatty meats, whole milk, cheese ... It should also be wary of trans fatty acids, used in industrial products: pastries, cookies, cakes, ready meals, sauces, pie ...

2) Emphasize the "good fats"

Replace saturated by unsaturated fatty acids, especially omega-3 fatty acids. Prefer oils, margarines and fish (fish at least twice a week). It is recommended to vary the vegetable oils: canola, olive, walnut ...
Namely: the omega-3s are beneficial to cardiovascular function (this is why we must focus on, without increasing the total amount of fatty acids).

3) Increase dietary fiber

Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables (5 servings per day) and grains (bread, cereal, rice ...). Feel free to focus on whole grains at the expense of refined products.

4) Limit dietary cholesterol

Cholesterol is naturally present in some products. It is interesting to seek to limit the richest cholesterol foods such as butter, egg yolks, organ meats. But careful not to exclude completely from your diet. A good diet is based on the diversity and these products have their place in the simple condition to consume in moderation.

5) Practice regular physical activity

It is essential to perform regular physical activity. According to his habits, his tastes, his abilities, his age, he may be playing sports or moving. Walk every day at a good pace just contributes to physical activity. This work may be supplemented by other activities such as DIY, housework, gardening ...

These five goals are concrete and accessible to all. Remember, however, that power must remain a friendly fun. Observe three meals a day and avoid snacking.

Smoking also makes you fat!

In the long term, smoking promotes taking belly. Of course, smokers increase their energy expenditure by consuming cigarette after cigarette, nicotine but also has an effect on the hormonal balance which affects the distribution of fat. Thus smokers and smokers tend to take belly instead of losing? 

The thinness of the smoker has a time 

So many people think that smoking makes you lose weight. Others do not think that the smoke and deliberately for fear of gaining weight or do not dare to stop their smoking fearing a strong weight gain after stopping. The reality is quite different and much more complex. In fact, the thinness of smoking is only transitory. In fact, smoking a cigarette increases energy metabolism based on 3% during the hour. Thus the daily energy expenditure of smokers who burn a pack a day increased from 2230 to 3445 calories.
dangers of tobacco
In addition, smoking decreases appetite (anorexigenic action) and increases the feeling of satiety. But the effects of nicotine are far from being confined to only metabolic effects. Nicotine also has a direct effect on hormonal balance. But this hormonal change leads to an accumulation of fat in the abdomen. Beyond an aesthetic concern, abdominal fat deposition is associated with increased cardiovascular risk by installing a metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance via. In short, this new distribution of body fat is harmful to health. Especially as localized at the waist, the extra pounds are particularly difficult to remove?.

The fat on your stomach settle in smokers 

Overall, we can say that if young people who smoke feel winners on their weight, it will only be for a short period, because this pseudo advantage is reversed in the longer term. Indeed, in smokers' age, "whether of a man or a woman, the pounds eventually gradually concentrate around the belly, which are particularly difficult to dislodge and cause additional risks health (cardiovascular, diabetes, cancer, respiratory failure?). The weight loss of the first years of smoking is an illusion that must warn young and perhaps especially girls.

To a masculinization of young smokers ... 

Indeed, this change in the distribution of body fat to the center of the body, including the belly, is a typically male distribution called Android, as opposed to the female distribution of fat mass called gynoid. In other words, smoking tends to make women lose their femininity forms! It is important to explain to them so that they understand that smoking is not a friend who can make lasting weight loss, or prevent fat later ...?

Saturday 4 May 2013

Beautiful legs: 4 rules to follow

Before coming to the stockings, the veinotonic to multiple or surgery, maintain your legs to keep them beautiful long. Here are four essential respect for rules keep beautiful legs!

For beautiful legs: promote venous return! 4 rules for this.

The problem with the legs most often due to poor circulation. Indeed, due to weightlessness, venous return may be more or less laborious, especially if the walls of the veins tend to loosen.

Symptoms are then likely to occur, particularly heavy legs, painful varicose veins and spider veins.

Following certain rules, even if family history, limits and delay these symptoms and keep longer beautiful legs.

Here are four rules for the beauty of your legs.
Beauty, slimming, beautiful legs,
1) beautiful legs, do the work to activate blood circulation.

There is no ought to commence a marathon. what's required is to steer as usually as doable, climb stairs and avoid prolonged sitting. once you cannot do otherwise, if you're employed in associate degree workplace, as an example, should catch up on this inactivity by pausing and going for a walk.

It is also advised not to cross your legs, move his feet regularly and use a footstool.

At night, it is also recommended to slightly elevate his feet. And finally, massage your legs up and down also helps to accelerate venous return.

2) nice legs, avoid high heels.

Without advising completely flat shoes, the shoes with high heels should be avoided because they impose a position soles which is not conducive to venous return.

3) beautiful legs, avoid the heat.

Heat promotes dilation of blood vessels which increases circulation problems. Do not expose your legs and feet to heat sources near a fireplace, hot tub, fur boots, sauna, steam ...

However, note that the idea that the underfloor heating (floor heating) are harmful to the venous circulation is no longer true. Conversely, the cold is beneficial to venous return: late shower or late in the day, have a jet of cold water on your legs.

4) beautiful legs, give clothing that compresses

Pants, skirts, belts or special panties belly compress the stomach and thereby impeding venous return.

If compliance with these four points is not enough, a consultation is necessary.

Talk to your doctor, who will refer you to a specialist if necessary in Phlebology. Effective solutions are based on the available port stockings, and veinotonic drugs. In case of varicose and spider veins, the phlebotomist may propose sessions microsclerosis or resorting to surgery.

Physical activity: what is the minimum necessary?

Live as long as possible, that's fine, but live as long as possible, it is better. This is precisely what is possible if you regularly practice physical activity.

People who play sports, compared to those who are sedentary all their lives, earning eight years in good physical shape.

So in practice, what is the minimum amount of sports to be practiced and its equivalent in calories?

Sport: 8 years of life in good shape won!

When practice regular physical activity, decreases the risk of dying from heart disease by about 35 to 40%.

And as Dr. Martin Juneau highlights * We now know that this is true for all causes of mortality. Compared with people who are totally sedentary, we can also say that sport can live more than eight years in good shape.
Wellness, Sports Tips, Fitness,
* Dr. Martin Juneau is a cardiologist and director of prevention at the Montreal Heart Institute.

What is the minimum amount of physical activity should be practiced?

Moderate physical exercise may well suffice. The goal of burning 1,000 calories a week is realistic for all of us: it is a 30 minute walk per day.

In other words, we must make every week 7 steps of 30 minutes, as in a 30-minute walk 150 calories are spent. If you prefer to carry only four steps per week, it is possible, but it must then increase their duration 40 minutes (250 calories). It is possible to walk less often, but long walk longer for the total amount of calories burned is the same.

Similarly we can make jogging 20 minutes 7 times a week (20 minutes equivalent to 150 calories jogging) or jogging for 30 minutes 4 times a week (4 x 30 minutes at 250 calories).

The intensity does not really matter if it is modulated by the duration. That is to say, if brisk walking is chosen, for example, it may take less time than a slow but longer than if we had chosen jogging. The amount of sweat is not an indicator. This is the total amount that counts.

Use a pedometer to measure your physical activity

A board, wear a pedometer for a week to find out your actual energy expenditure.

- Between 0 and 5,000 steps a day, you are sedentary.
- Between 5000-7500 steps per day: you are slightly active.
- Between 7500-9999 steps per day: you are moderately active.
- More than 10,000 steps a day: you are active.
- More than 12,500 steps a day: you are very active.

The goal is to accumulate a total of 10,000 steps per day. As an example, in a desktop activity is carried on average 2,000 steps a day, which is not far from 10,000. It is therefore necessary to achieve even 8,000 extra steps during his leisure activities and daily life outside of work.

And yes, we must not forget that not all add, absolutely everyone, even those that are carried home to go open the fridge.

Namely: 10,000 steps per day equivalent to an expenditure of 300 to 400 calories. 30 minutes equivalent to 4,000 and not an expenditure of 150 calories walking. A large piece of chocolate cake is equivalent to 400 calories? ...

Why should allocate exercise?

In other words, can we group all the weekly physical activity in a single session (eg. One walk 3:30 once a week)?

The answer is negative, physical activity must be fragmented.

Many effects of exercise do not last all week. For example, the effect of a workout on blood glucose (blood sugar) does not last. Exercise lowers blood sugar and increases insulin sensitivity in muscle, which is very good for preventing many diseases, including diabetes and obesity.

However, this effect only lasts 24 to 48 hours. It must therefore repeat every two days for a preventive effect on the long term. And finally, you should know that if during a 30-minute walk, we spend 150 calories, metabolism is activated during the days following the end of the year hours (10-12 hours) and continues to burn extra calories .

Actual spending is higher than the theoretical ... A good reason to practice regularly and often.

Glaucoma: what are the signs?

Glaucoma is an eye disease that, due to the lack of warning signs, should be screened to the ophthalmologist at age 45 or earlier in case of familial predisposition. Focus on glaucoma screening and treatment.

Glaucoma: what is it exactly? What are the signs suggestive?

Glaucoma is associated with an increase in intraocular pressure can damage the optic nerve, reducing the visual field and visual acuity. It distinguishes acute glaucoma and glaucoma.

The first, also known as open-angle glaucoma is rare, but its occurrence is an emergency, the eye suddenly becomes red and hard, get blurred with colored halos around lights. We must go to ophthalmic emergencies.

Glaucoma (80% of cases of glaucoma) moves inversely slowly and silently, insidiously causing irreversible damage without causing specific symptoms gradually acuity near and far is altered, which in the absence of treatment lead to blindness.
Eye health, Glaucoma, Health Practice,
Hence the crucial role of screening for early detection glaucoma before it has caused severe damage.

Glaucoma: what screening? Which populations are at risk?

Glaucoma screening based on a measurement of intraocular pressure, a fundus (assessment of the status of the optic nerve) and OCT examination (Optical Coherence Tomography), assessing the thickness of the optic nerve fibers as witness the progress of glaucoma.

It is recommended that everyone consult an ophthalmologist every two years from age 45, or earlier in case of an increased risk of glaucoma.

This is the case of people who have a family history of glaucoma. Note that the large myopic are also at higher risk, African people, if vascular problem that can affect blood flow to the optic nerve (hypo or hypertension, migraine ...), direct trauma or after surgery.

Glaucoma diagnosed, what are the treatments?

Several treatment are available to treat glaucoma. The choice is always personal.

 - Medication form of eye drops: they decrease intraocular pressure. Their use is mandatory as they apply to several times a day at regular times and may cause side effects, but mild (redness, tingling, dizziness, etc..).
- The laser treatments: they decrease the intraocular pressure by facilitating the removal or decreasing the production of aqueous humor (fluid inside the eye, which in excess, increase intraocular pressure). The effect is sometimes transient.

- Surgery: a small hole in the iris is made to facilitate the drainage of aqueous humor. Or sometimes a drain valve that opens when the pressure rises on site. This procedure is currently reserved for last (after failure and recurrence after laser eye drops) may soon be larger in order to treat glaucoma earlier permanently.

The number of French affected is estimated that over a million: about 500,000 patients are currently being followed and treated for glaucoma, but 500,000 still carry a glaucoma without knowing ...

It is therefore essential to detect glaucoma (in the absence of any visual symptoms), as supported early enough, it does not cause visual impairment.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

After infarction, better manage stress

Stress is a proven cardiovascular risk factor. But there is evidence that learning stress management could effectively prevent the long term complications of patients with cardiovascular disease.

Stress management reduces cardiovascular risk

Stress is often cited as a risk factor in the pathology of vascular or cardiac origin. It triggers the secretion of stress hormones from the adrenal glands which, among its many effects, increases blood pressure. It promotes, among people at risk (those with a family or medical history or risk behaviors, alcohol, smoking, lack of physical exercise and poor diet), the occurrence of vascular or cardiac events. From this, then it would be legitimate to wonder about the lives that could improve long-term health of people who have already suffered a heart attack. Two methods were tested: the practice of regular physical exercise and learning stress management.
Less stress, less reinfarction

94 men who have had a myocardial infarction were divided in three groups and followed for a period of five years.

- One group was prescribed aerobic exercise three times a week for four months.
- Another had to take a hour and a half per week on stress management. During 16 sessions, patients learned to control their negative emotions and relax.
- The third group consisted of patients population too far from the city to participate in these programs has received the usual medical treatment and constituted the control group.

During the first year of follow-up, two patients in the control group were re-infarction, whereas none of those who have learned to manage stress has had cardiovascular complications. The monitoring of these patients at five years, also shows that hospitalizations due to vascular complications were less frequent in patients who have completed a learning stress management, than patients in the other two groups (exercise and control ). Therefore, medical costs were also lower in this group.

These results clearly establish that there may be a profit clinic for patients and cost to society, to suggest preventive action learning stress management. Those who are concerned with cardiovascular problems can benefit today from these data and courses in yoga, relaxation, or learning stress management courses. A principle of life that can also cater for all, whether you are or not healthy.

Reduce your risk of cancer by fighting against stress

This is no longer any doubt: if the stress does not produce cancer alone, however, it promotes its development. Warning, this is chronic stress, one we are more likely to be submitted in modern life (lack of time, the cult of performance). In practice, how does the stress increase the risk of cancer and what are the four sentiments to mobilize to keep cancer at bay?

Positive stress Negative stress ...

Positive stress is the one that puts us on alert and allows us to respond immediately (in danger, for example, but also stress that besets us before an oral presentation before a sporting event, etc..) Through the timely secretion of two hormones, noradrenaline and cortisol.

Negative stress is continuous stress resulting in repeated or continuous secretion of these hormones, eventually exhausting the body.

Thus chronic stress promotes inflammation and lowers our immune system, both known to promote tumor progression phenomena.

Indeed, stress hormones put the immune system at rest to mobilize all the forces of the body for action. But if the immune system is lowered, the activity of white blood cells decreases, which facilitates the proliferation of cancer cells.

Stress and cancer: the four feelings that serve us

Four feelings related to stress are now well known to promote cancer development.


Powerlessness directly promotes tumor progression, as shown in this experiment in lab rats with cancer. When rats are subjected to stress they can avoid 63% of them manage to cure their cancer, against only 23% of rats that can not escape the stressful situation.


Anxiety affects survival. This has been demonstrated for example in women with breast cancer. Those who participated in discussion groups were more serene and above all they doubled their year survival compared to others.

Loneliness and the feeling of abandonment

Some feelings contribute to pause our immune system. But it is essential to keep the cancer under control. Thus patients are surrounded by the best as often those with the most combative defense systems.


"Why me? I am fully responsible! I was unable to stay healthy! "Such thoughts prevent imagine healing and implement specific actions. Again, this mental block can serve the immune system.

The 4 golden rules to fight against stress

In practice, we note that the fight against stress is a weapon against cancer. All relaxation techniques and stress management are welcome.

To do this, first follow the four golden rules:

1. This is my decision! (As impotence paralyzes take the reins)
2. I dare to ask for help! (Get help and share makes us stronger and calmer)
3. I surround myself with it! (Maintain and invest yourself in the quality of human relations, you will be supported in return)
4. I relativize! (Set your priorities and go ahead)

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